by the
Baha’i Faith
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The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.
How do I become Baha’i?


Anís Pakrou began his academic journey at the University of Adelaide where he completed a Bachelor's degree in Finance, with a concurrent Bachelor's degree in Economics pending. Anis's professional journey, albeit in its early stages, has been marked by rich transformation. His career embarked in the realm of finance, lasting nine months, until he discovered his true passion was elsewhere. This revelation inspired him to pivot towards software development in December 2022, culminating in the inception of his startup, Arterial, in May 2023.

Anís's interests are drawn towards the Bahá'i perspective on consultation, independent investigation of truth, and the systematic use of education as a tool for uplifting developing nations. Professionally, Anis aspires to intertwine the fundamental principles of the Bahá'i Faith with the development of upcoming institutions and technologies. His ambition is to leverage these principles as the driving force behind innovative technological development.

On a personal note, Anis is intrigued by a wide spectrum of topics including technology, design, architecture, agriculture and macroeconomIcs.

BY Anis Pakrou
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