by the
Baha’i Faith
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How do I become Baha’i?


Necati Alkan is a Turkish-German historian and Islamicist who specializes in late Ottoman history. He is research associate in the Department of Islamic Studies at the University of Bamberg and mainly works on religious minorities. He has published his first book (revised PhD thesis) Dissent and Heterodoxy in the Late Ottoman Empire: Reformers, Babis and Baha'is (2008). Currently he is working on his second book about a social history of the Nusayris/Alawis in the late Ottoman period. Among his other publications are: The eternal enemy of Islam’: Abdullah Cevdet and the Baha’i religion” (2005); “Süleyman Nazif's 'Open Letter to Jesus': An Anti-Christian Polemic in the Early Turkish Republic” (2008), and "Fighting for the Nuṣayrī Soul: State, Protestant Missionaries and the ʿAlawīs in the Late Ottoman Empire" (2012); "Divide and Rule: The Creation of the Alawi State after World War I (2013)

BY Necati Alkan
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