by the
Baha’i Faith
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The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.
How do I become Baha’i?


Tatiana Zamir is a choreographer, dance instructor, performing artist and holistic healer. Tatiana earned her BFA at UCLA in the World Arts & Cultures Department with an emphasis on dance. She continued her studies in holistic body therapy at the Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing, also in California, where she honed her skills in the healing arts and integrative approaches to wellness. A unique, movement therapy-based practice for healing and upliftment evolved naturally. Groups and individuals in the US, Southeast Asia and Southern Africa have benefitted from Tatiana's Radiant Healing Breakthrough Workshops -- which teach use of the body as a vehicle in overcoming challenges and achieving one's highest destiny. From these workshops to her inclusive Afro Hip-Hop dance classes and performance art pieces Tatiana proves herself to be a compassionate, outside-the-box creator of dynamic, expansive, empowering and joyful experiences that catalyze transformation. To learn more or engage with Tatiana and her community: or find her on instagram @TatianaZamir.

BY Tatiana Zamir
Cultivating a Relationship with Joy

Cultivating a Relationship with Joy

Tatiana Zamir | Mar 6, 2018

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