by the
Baha’i Faith
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The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.
How do I become Baha’i?

Houston Ranjbar

Vahid Houston Ranjbar is a physicist currently working at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider in Brookhaven National Labs. His field is spin dynamics and accelerator physics.

BY Vahid Houston Ranjbar
The Origins of Critical Race Theory and Its Spiritual Implications

The Origins of Critical Race Theory and Its Spiritual Implications

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Aug 10, 2021
Why Do We Exist, and What Brought Us into Being?

Why Do We Exist, and What Brought Us into Being?

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Aug 6, 2021
The Baha’i Teachings and the Experience of Being

The Baha’i Teachings and the Experience of Being

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Aug 3, 2021

The Deep Spiritual Meaning of the Word

The Deep Spiritual Meaning of the Word “Create”

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Jul 30, 2021
How Meditation Can Help Drive Scientific Discovery

How Meditation Can Help Drive Scientific Discovery

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Jan 24, 2021
Do You Believe in Free Will — or the Will of a Creator?

Do You Believe in Free Will — or the Will of a Creator?

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Jan 20, 2021

Should We Believe in Miracles?

Should We Believe in Miracles?

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Dec 11, 2020
How a Letter to America Raised the Call for Divine Justice

How a Letter to America Raised the Call for Divine Justice

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Oct 27, 2020
Materialism and the Fall of Religion

Materialism and the Fall of Religion

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Aug 29, 2019

How to Tell When a New Prophet Appears

How to Tell When a New Prophet Appears

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Jul 11, 2019
Why I Believe Christ Has Returned

Why I Believe Christ Has Returned

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Jul 5, 2019
Defining Eternity: Scientifically & Spiritually

Defining Eternity: Scientifically & Spiritually

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Apr 20, 2019

Yes, I Believe in Science—and in God

Yes, I Believe in Science—and in God

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Apr 15, 2019
Did Einstein Believe in a Creator?

Did Einstein Believe in a Creator?

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Apr 8, 2019
Mathematics, Consciousness and the Creator

Mathematics, Consciousness and the Creator

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Feb 21, 2018

The Words of Religion and the Words of Physics

The Words of Religion and the Words of Physics

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Feb 18, 2018
Exaggerated Individualism: Driving Us to Extinction

Exaggerated Individualism: Driving Us to Extinction

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Dec 14, 2017
A Talismanic View of Evolution

A Talismanic View of Evolution

Vahid Houston Ranjbar | Dec 13, 2017

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