Relationship coach and university instructor Dr. Nura Mowzoon explores and explodes the myths of modern relationships: love at first sight; sexual compatibility; living together first. Presenting studies that counter the conventional wisdom about contemporary couples, she maps a path toward the spiritual side of love and marriage, and the practices that foster real and lasting love. She advises us to “take an intentional approach” to knowing one another’s actual character—instead of the usual dating practices of interrogating each other, going to dinner or watching a movie. Funny, insightful and filled with useful advice, Mowzoon challenges what we commonly believe about making marriage work, and changes our ideas about what love actually means. Listen to the podcast on SoundCloud.
Dr. Mowzoon completed her Doctoral and Master's degrees in Marriage and Family Therapy at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Her training at Nova Southeastern University also included a specialization in Medical Family Therapy and a post-doctoral certificate in hypnotherapy. She completed her Bachelor’s...

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we watched your presentation together with our 16years old daughter and we liked it very much.
On top it's quite youth friendly and the messages shared are strong and really close to real live.
Well done!