by the
Baha’i Faith
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The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.
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Showing: 18 Results of 353
Baha’i International Community Representative Elected to Serve on World Council of Religions for Peace

Baha’i International Community Representative Elected to Serve on World Council of Religions for Peace

Baha'i International Community | Oct 5, 2019
Members of Parliament Honor Bicentenary

Members of Parliament Honor Bicentenary

Baha'i World News Service | Sep 27, 2019
Dawn of the Light: A Film About 8 Unique Lives Searching for One Spiritual Truth

Dawn of the Light: A Film About 8 Unique Lives Searching for One Spiritual Truth

From the Editors | Sep 24, 2019
Role of Sacred Space: A Conversation on Places of Worship

Role of Sacred Space: A Conversation on Places of Worship

Baha'i World News Service | Sep 22, 2019
Design Concept for the Shrine of Abdu’l-Baha Unveiled

Design Concept for the Shrine of Abdu’l-Baha Unveiled

Baha'i World News Service | Sep 20, 2019
In Africa, Preparations Energize and Focus Communities

In Africa, Preparations Energize and Focus Communities

Baha'i World News Service | Sep 17, 2019
Baha’i Studies: Aiming to Apply Spiritual Principles to Humanity’s Social Progress

Baha’i Studies: Aiming to Apply Spiritual Principles to Humanity’s Social Progress

Baha'i World News Service | Sep 14, 2019
The Transformative Power of Prayer: How Devotional Gatherings Are Taking Root in Uganda

The Transformative Power of Prayer: How Devotional Gatherings Are Taking Root in Uganda

Baha'i World News Service | Sep 10, 2019
In Americas, Spirit of Oneness Moves Communities in Anticipation of Bicentenary

In Americas, Spirit of Oneness Moves Communities in Anticipation of Bicentenary

Baha'i World News Service | Sep 7, 2019
Power of History: The Pursuit of Truth, Justice, and Unity

Power of History: The Pursuit of Truth, Justice, and Unity

Baha'i World News Service | Aug 15, 2019
Communities Feel Spiritual Impulse of Pilgrimage

Communities Feel Spiritual Impulse of Pilgrimage

Baha'i World News Service | Aug 10, 2019
In Natural Disasters, Capacities of Local Communities Vital

In Natural Disasters, Capacities of Local Communities Vital

Baha'i World News Service | Jul 27, 2019
In Spain, a Growing Conversation Around Preventing Violent Radicalization

In Spain, a Growing Conversation Around Preventing Violent Radicalization

Baha'i World News Service | Jul 22, 2019
BIC Calls on UN to Reclaim Spirit of Sustainable Development Agenda

BIC Calls on UN to Reclaim Spirit of Sustainable Development Agenda

Baha'i International Community | Jul 18, 2019
Bringing the Insights of Religion into Development

Bringing the Insights of Religion into Development

Baha'i World News Service | Jul 16, 2019
As Momentous Bicentenary Approaches, Communities Prepare

As Momentous Bicentenary Approaches, Communities Prepare

Baha'i World News Service | Jul 13, 2019
Momentous Gathering Focuses on Houses of Worship

Momentous Gathering Focuses on Houses of Worship

Baha'i World News Service | Jul 6, 2019
Faith as Catalyst of Social Change: Perspectives from the Congo

Faith as Catalyst of Social Change: Perspectives from the Congo

Baha'i World News Service | Jun 25, 2019
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