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Baha’i Faith
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The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.
How do I become Baha’i?

“I Want It All”

PRESENTED BY Paolo Escobar | Oct 5, 2017
Baha’i singer-songwriter, Paolo Escobar gives a soulful performance of his original song “I Want It All” at our Beyond Materialism Event in Los Angeles.

Verse 1: 

It doesn’t cost much to live and die  Just your life  On the dotted line  We build it up just to watch it burn  But still hands turn  So how’ve you gone and spent your time? 


See I  I want it all  I’ve worked too hard  Just to fall  Yes I  I’ve worked too hard  See all my scars?  I want it all  I want it all 

Verse 2: 

The fire’s devouring everything  It burns and runs  All through my veins  I leave my fears, joys, and all my pain  In these words  And on this page 

(Chorus)  (Bridge)  (Chorus)   Listen to the podcast on SoundCloud.

Paolo Escobar is a singer, songwriter, rapper, beat boxer, artist, chef, revolutionary who is always cooking something up to perfection. Paolo tends to draw influence from many different styles and genres but for this Philippine born son of a singer who was raised in the...



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  • David Hemminger
    Oct 21, 2019
    • Paul Hemminger
      Nov 19, 2020
      Remember sax & trumpet in the living room?
  • James Barnes
    Oct 9, 2017
    Paolo, I run an online radio station. and am interested in at least this song. Do you have a studio recording of it?
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