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An Equal Standard of Human Rights for the Iranian Baha’is

From the Editors | May 18, 2014

PART 3 IN SERIES Letter From The Yaran

The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.

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From the Editors | May 18, 2014

PART 3 IN SERIES Letter From The Yaran

The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.

[For the past two days published the first and second parts of an open letter to the Head of the Human Rights Division of the Judicial Branch of the Iranian government, Mr. Mohammad Javad Larijani—who recently stated on Iranian television that “No one is in prison for being a Baha’i and if Baha’is do not commit illegal acts their citizenship rights will be protected.” This open letter from the Yaran, the seven Baha’i leaders who have now been imprisoned for six years for no crime other than their Faith, concludes here.]

Mr. Larijani

What has been stated above affords but a brief glimpse of the multi-faceted deprivations and violations of the citizenship rights of the Bahá’ís. Such violations are, of course not limited to Bahá’ís and others seek equality of rights in the cultural, artistic, political, and social arenas, in accordance with clear principles enunciated in our nation’s Constitution and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As we stated, that which is necessary to guarantee the citizenship rights of the honourable Iranian citizens is, first, legislating laws which, with utmost clarity, protect such rights and, secondly, establishing structures which prevent their misapplication through arbitrary and capricious interpretation. We believe that oneness and equality and liberty for all are not merely civil or legal constructs but that these are, rather, spiritual principles whose origin and source is the one creator who created the entire human race from the same dust. Notwithstanding civil and legal requirements, belief in oneness and equality and respect for the rights of others are principles which must emanate from one’s faith and conscience. Based on this, it would be highly appropriate for the honorable authorities of the Islamic Republic, using the provisions enshrined in law, to foster and promote an integrated and unified view of the Iranian nation and to allow the noble people of Iran to exercise their citizenship rights despite their beliefs or ethnicity.

The Former Members of the Coordinating Group of the Bahá’í Community of Iran

Part 1 of 3: The Iranian Baha’i Prisoners Speak Out – An Open Letter from The Yaran

Part 2 of 3: 8 Questions for the Iranian Government from the Baha’i Prisoners

Below you’ll find some additional information on the deprivation of human rights, imprisonment, torture and execution of the beleaguered Baha’is in Iran. The Baha’i writings say this on the subject:

“Baha’u’llah teaches that an equal standard of human rights must be recognized and adopted. In the estimation of God all men are equal; there is no distinction or preferment for any soul in the dominion of His justice and equity.” – Abdu’l-Baha, Baha’i World Faith, pp. 240-241.

For more information on The Yaran, or “Friends” of Iran – see

For more information on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Human Rights head Mohammad-Javad Larijani, see

For more information on the famous case of Mona Mahmudnizhad, the 16-year-old girl executed in 1983 for teaching children who had been expelled from school for their beliefs and for serving in an orphanage, see

For more information on the Iranian government’s Supreme Revolutionary Cultural Council’s edict against the Baha’is, you will find it printed in full at

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  • May 17, 2015
    Above questions are truly a brief analysis. In my hometown of Miandoab 80 Baha'i homes were burned down without any questioning or accusations. All nine members of the Baha'i administrative body were secretly arrested and killed without any notice to anyone-not even their families. A new administrative body was elected who similarly arrested an killed. Mistakes, we all make. But, delibrate, outright and calculated oppression is at the heart of the question that needs to addressed by the Iranian government.
  • May 17, 2015
    What is the point of having nuclear power with such primitive mentality? History will demonstrate how such religious tyrants will eventually fail in their evil designs. May God give the Iranian Baha's the strength and patience to withstand these sufferings in their faithfulness to the Teachings of Baha'u'llah.
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