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How do I become Baha’i?

How to Become a Lucid Dreamer—and Why

David Langness | Jan 17, 2017

PART 4 IN SERIES Follow Your Dreams & Meet Your Soul

The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.

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David Langness | Jan 17, 2017

PART 4 IN SERIES Follow Your Dreams & Meet Your Soul

The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.

As a graduate student, I had a series of vivid, hyper-real dreams—so I decided to see if I could determine what they meant.

How did I do it? I read voraciously about dreams, trying to understand their mechanism and their meaning. I studied the symbols that occur in so many archetypal dreams. I learned about the Tibetan Buddhist practice called dream Yoga—becoming aware of dreams while still asleep. The ancient Hindus, I later found out, had a similar method of understanding their dreams, called Yoga nidra, which involves developing a heightened state of consciousness in that “twilight zone” between waking and sleeping.

In Yoga nidra, you completely relax your body and gradually learn to become systematically and increasingly aware of the inner dream world. You gradually turn off your outer senses, calm and still your mind, relax deeply and try to reach a state the Buddhists call samadhi, or total awareness of the moment—an inner condition known as one-pointedness. (In Buddhism, samadhi is the last of the eight elements of the Noble Eightfold Path.) Once you begin to master the skills of Yoga nidra, you do eventually fall into a deep sleep, but you increasingly retain some of your waking awareness for at least part of that time. You learn to enter your dreams, and your subconscious, in a conscious way.

I didn’t just ponder the Eastern wisdom, though—I looked at the Western scientific and psychological findings, too. Of all the Western insights I discovered, the great psychologist Carl Jung seemed to make the most sense, with his extensive study and work on dream interpretation and the personal unconscious. I tried to further deepen my understanding of dreams by reading the Baha’i writings on the subject, which fascinated me and still do to this day.

Then, after all this, I tried to learn the skill called lucid dreaming.

Aristotle wrote about lucid dreaming, saying “when one is asleep, there is something in consciousness which declares that what then presents itself is but a dream.” The great Roman philosopher and physician Galen used his own lucid dreams as a form of self-therapy. But the phrase “lucid dreaming” was first coined about a hundred years ago by the Dutch psychiatrist Frederik van Eeden, who said that human beings can experience a unique state of consciousness between waking and dreaming, just by learning to control their awareness during sleep. Sounds a lot like Yoga nidra, doesn’t it?

Here’s how lucid dreaming works: first, start by keeping a dream journal, trying to recall your dreams every morning by writing them down. This part of the process will gradually familiarize you with your own particular internal dreamscape, and will begin to make you more aware of the content of your subconscious in the bargain.

dreamlandSecond, practice the basic skills of Yoga nidra by lying completely still as you fall asleep, clearing your mind and attempting to extend your waking consciousness into the world of your dreams.

Third, concentrate on your intention to consciously become aware of what you’re dreaming—not only when you wake up, but before you fall asleep and as you dream.

Fourth, try to envision yourself becoming more and more lucid—more conscious, more aware and more present—in your dreams.

During the course of all this, I never became any sort of adept or expert—which takes a diligent, consistent practice for many years—but I did learn, over time, to extend that wonderful period between sleep and waking. In that state, I realized how to teach my conscious mind to reach a little further into my subconscious and better understand my dreams.

If you practice these learned skills every night as you go to sleep, you’ll become much more conscious of your own personal dream world, and you’ll begin to sharpen your awareness of what your subconscious tries to tell you. Then, if you read a few good books on dream interpretation, you’ll discover a wealth of wisdom.

Beyond those valuable personal insights, the Baha’i teachings tell us, the world of dreams has a great deal more to convey to us about the human soul and its mysteries:

Now there are many wisdoms to ponder in the dream… First, what is this world, where without eye and ear and hand and tongue a man puts all of these to use? Second, how is it that in the outer world thou seest today the effect of a dream, when thou didst vision it in the world of sleep some ten years past? Consider the difference between these two worlds and the mysteries which they conceal, that thou mayest attain to divine confirmations and heavenly discoveries and enter the regions of holiness.

God, the Exalted, hath placed these signs in men, to the end that philosophers may not deny the mysteries of the life beyond nor belittle that which hath been promised them. – Baha’u’llah, The Seven Valleys, pp. 32-33.

Isn’t that fascinating? When Baha’u’llah wrote that dreams and their signs of our subconscious exist “to the end that philosophers may not deny the mysteries of the life beyond,” it suggests that dreams exist to tell us, and prove to us, that we have souls.

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  • Jan 21, 2017
    My dreams have directed my career as a therapist. I was not sure early on in my psychotherapy practice that I was serving the Faith in the best way possible. Abdu'l Baha came in a dream and blest my work by sitting in my therapist chair and smiling at me with my library of books all around him. I was too busy serving others to come over and sit with him and he was also pleased with that. It deeply strengthened my belief in my work. I have had others like that each leading me to a more solid of my work being my most effective path to serving God. Thank you for your articles on dreams, very helpful.
  • Jan 18, 2017
    I've had one lucid dream of being hugged and welcomed by the Master, which I treasure, and some others. I definitely agree with the base interpretation: that the soul exists.
  • Melanie Black
    Jan 17, 2017
    I used to remember my dreams all the time, and when I was in graduate school I too had learned to dream lucidly. The first time it happened, I happened to be flying, and it shocked me, because all of a sudden, the air was sliding by my body and I was up in the sky looking down at the lights of civilization. it was exhilarating. My lucid dreams became more mysterious, I went to heaven in one, I saw a beautiful sculpture in another that haunted me for years. In non-lucid dreams, I've been guided very often by major ...figures of Baha'i Faith. Once I left the Faith. I believe God sent me a dream some years later which was a sign to me to rejoin the Cause. It changed my life. I will write of this at some later date. Thank you!
  • Jan 17, 2017
    I manipulate my dreams shamelessly, especially when they're dreams that present themselves as being fodder for a story. My first published novel, THE MERI, was based on a dream I manipulated by having the characters do retakes until I was satisfied I'd remember it when I woke up. I frequently dream story ideas and there's a particular movie-like quality (sometimes with credits) and a sense of urgency to them, as if the dream itself and the characters in it are telling me, "you must remember this and you must write it down." My husband finds this annoying, he says, ...because his dreams never make sense. I have those kinds of dreams too and think of them as flushing out the system.
  • Csaba Kerekes
    Jan 17, 2017
    Hello, there is a very quick and extremely simple method that will create lucid dreaming automatically usually within a few days. Remind yourself to spin around for a second standing on one foot once in every hour. It becomes a habit very quickly, then one day you'll do it while being in a random dream and - surprise - you'll spin around freely without any friction whatsoever and immediately realize it's a dream. Have fun!
  • Jan 17, 2017
    I lived by myself for four years in a remote area, in an off-grid house. I spontaneously developed the ability to dream lucidly and control what happened in the dreams to a certain extent. One of things I could do was what might be called flying of a sort. When I got married and moved back to a city this disappeared. I think it had something to do with there being so little stimuli from other people, noise and electromagnetic fields, but that is just a guess.
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