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The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.
How do I become Baha’i?

Building a Just World—without Politics

Tierney Sutton

PART 2 IN SERIES Dealing Spiritually with the Political World

The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.

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Tierney Sutton | Feb 15, 2017

PART 2 IN SERIES Dealing Spiritually with the Political World

The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.

As I said in the first essay in this two-part series, Baha’is don’t participate in partisan politics. So how do we plan to have any impact on the world?

Baha’is believe in a grassroots, ground-up process of social change, one that does away with the ugly, polarizing, divisive and dis-unifying partisanship that has infected our political processes. Instead, Baha’is are building—right now and right where you live—a new, organic structure that prizes love, unity and peaceful cooperation with all peoples, all races, all religions and all nations.

What I understand as my role is to focus on creating new processes, new ways of collaboration and dialogue, new perspectives on our place in the world… and on a personal level, to work on my own spiritual and moral development. If I succumb to the vitriol and rancor and disunity that animates and pervades seemingly everything now… I’m lost. As soon as I “go there” I feel my ego, my self-righteousness, my lower self trying to take over.

So I’ve avoided, on social media and elsewhere, any commentary on our corrupt, poisonous politics. It hasn’t been easy, because I care deeply about those social issues.

diverse-handsBut I will speak about things that are principles of my Faith. I will speak about the rampant racial injustice in this country and in the world, which the Baha’i writings refer to as “the cancerous growth… eating into the vitals of an already debilitated society.” The Baha’i teachings also call racism “a patent evil” and “the most vital and challenging issue.”

This is unique in the Baha’i Faith and in its scriptures. Baha’is believe in the oneness of the human race, and I’d be willing to bet that the global Baha’i community is the most diverse collection of human beings on the planet. Their treatment of the subject of racism, as far I can tell, comprises the only place where the Baha’i writings are not “color blind.”

Instead, they assign different missions to the black and white people in America. 

As a white American, the Baha’i writings tell me that I and my white brothers and sisters must:

…abandon, once and for all their usually inherent and sometimes subconscious sense of superiority, …to correct their tendency toward revealing a patronizing attitude ….and to master their impatience of any lack of responsiveness on the part of a people who have received for so long a period, such grievous and slow-healing wounds. – Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 40.

That last part always gets me. I see this impatience, and at times have struggled with it myself. But the moment I reflect on the “grievous and slow-healing wounds” African Americans have had to bear after three hundred years of slavery, the wisdom becomes clear.

At the end of this powerful passage, we are brought back to a meditation on the attitude and process that will be necessary to truly deal with this issue:

Let neither (black or white) think that such a problem can either easily or immediately be resolved…. Let neither think that anything short of genuine love, extreme patience, true humility, consummate tact, sound initiative, mature wisdom and deliberate, persistent, and prayerful effort, can succeed in blotting out the stain which this patent evil has left on the fair name of their common country. – Ibid., pp. 40-41.

The Baha’i writings are not naive. They do not shy away from naming and shining a light on the contemporary evils we face—but they constantly summon us to new and enlightened ways to face them.

They continually call us back to our own personal character, our own innate senses of both justice and mercy. So I must look at this and stand inside the issue. Can I support both “Black Lives Matter ” and “Blue (police) Lives Matter”? The contemporary polarization makes this very difficult—but it feels absolutely necessary. Where is there a space in our society to do this?

That new space is what Baha’is are charged with creating, building and sustaining.

So this is why I have been quiet in the face of my country’s latest political upheaval. But I realize I can’t be quiet any more. I have to strive to share the deep faith that animates my life, and hope that the guidance and wisdom of the Baha’i teachings can offer a new perspective.

Or… I’ll just keep posting cute animal videos. Thanks for listening and I wish for each of you a growing sense of peace and purpose. Oh, and here’s an otter video.

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  • Jane Bowlin
    Feb 25, 2017
    A 'religion' I could embrace...
  • Franz Nagl
    Feb 16, 2017
    also the Otter will appreciate when our hearts are " filled with the strenuous desire that tranquillity and harmony may encircle all this warring world."
  • Hooshang S. Afshar
    Feb 16, 2017
    Thank you Tierney for your loving and caring essay.
    Politicians say we need them because they run the country, like a company that has directors and a chairman who are responsible for day to day working of a company. We Baha'is say this company organization must follow, as you say above, the God sent teachings, principles and directions the Baha'i Writings provide. But they say no, we love partisan/competition battles, they are challenging and egotistically satisfying.
    Living creatures learn only through experience of hardship: A recovering heart-attack patient will follow doctor's advice so very closely.
  • Franz Nagl
    Feb 15, 2017
    thanks for sharing. Also the Otter will appreciate when our hearts are " filled with the strenuous desire that tranquillity and harmony may encircle all this warring world."
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