by the
Baha’i Faith
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The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.
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Racism in America

PRESENTED BY Faith Holmes | Sep 12, 2017

If we don’t live in a just society, Faith Holmes asks, what are we doing to seek justice? She asks everyone to become a champion for racial justice, regardless of their race. A student of African-American Studies and Cultural Psychology, Holmes tells the story of Oneness, the music-centered foundation that focuses on racial healing—and recommends showing up for unity.

Listen to the podcast on SoundCloud.

Tags: Media

Faith Holmes has worked in the field of race relations for over 30yrs. She started working to fight racism at a very young age. At 18, was asked to serve on a race unity committee in Chicago and was responsible for creating programs that brought...



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  • Clyde Deloris Herring
    Sep 15, 2017
    Dearly loved Faith! You Rock girl! I love the way you stand in your truth! I'm standing with you!
    • Faith Holmes
      Sep 17, 2017
      Thank you Clyde, that means slot coming from a champion like you!!! I stand with YOU!
  • Gabrielle McGuire
    Sep 13, 2017
    How do I contact your editors privately
    • Faith Holmes
      Sep 14, 2017
      I'm assuming your asking about the editors of the website? I'd be happy to have someone reach out to you. If that's not correct, you can reach out to me privately
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