Terms of Use
We are members of the Baha’i Faith who are striving to deepen our understanding of the Baha’i teachings and to apply these teachings to contemporary challenges.
The Baha’i Faith has no clergy and invites everyone to take part in a life-long process of independent investigation and learning about how lofty spiritual principles — such as the elimination of prejudice and the equality of women and men — can be translated into a new social reality. The central teaching of the Baha’i Faith is the oneness of humanity, meaning that the long-promised age of global justice and peace is finally within humanity’s reach. Translating this vision into reality may take several generations of focused effort and learning. The primary purpose of BahaiTeachings.org is to help advance this humanitarian process.
We invite our readers to engage in this learning process through direct action at the grassroots in your community. The Baha’i Faith is organized through a network of elected councils, called Spiritual Assemblies, at the local and national level. In thousands of localities across the United States, and in more than 180 countries, Baha’is are engaged in a process of learning, action and reflection about the process of spiritual community building. By filling out the contact forms on this site, you will be put in touch with Baha’is near you. It is not necessary to become a member of the Baha’i Faith to take part in a range of community building activities, such as study circles, prayer gatherings, and activities for children and teens — everyone is welcome.
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