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Women Are Not Objects—How the Baha’i Faith Elevates Women

Radiance Talley | Oct 3, 2019

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Radiance Talley | Oct 3, 2019

The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.

I wonder what men see when they look at a woman? Do they see a mother, sister, daughter, wife, or friend? Or do they see a sexual object — a mere collection of parts? 

The Baha’i Faith raises the station of women, because the Baha’i teachings say that God created both men and women as innately noble beings. In light of this belief, the degree of honor and respect women receive is not defined by what we wear or how we look, but by who we are. 

In a 1912 interview with a reporter from the San Francisco Examiner, when asked what he thought of American women’s fashions, Abdu’l-Baha said:

We do not look upon the dresses of women, whether or not they are of the latest mode. We are not the judge of fashions. We rather judge the wearer of dresses. If she be chaste, if she be cultured, if she be characterized with heavenly morality, and if she be favoured at the Threshold of God, she is honoured and respected by us, no matter what manner of dress she wears. We have nothing to do with the ever-changing world of modes. – The San Francisco Examiner, 4 October 1912, reprinted in Star of the West, Volume 3, p. 206.

Unfortunately, our culture hasn’t reached that point yet. The 2019 fashion trend is to now wear plunging necklines down to the navel. I can’t turn on the television without seeing women sexualized, degraded, and objectified to sell cologne, cars, food, clothing, you name it. 

Our media and entertainment industry tends to notice us women only for our physical beauty – not for our intellect, character, talents, or morality. I have always identified as a feminist because I want all women to possess the same rights as any man. One of these rights – the right to be loved, accepted, and valued for who we really are – reflects our deepest spiritual qualities. 

Our culture trains us to accept men for their physical appearances, personalities, and achievements. And, although this is far from ideal because this brings disproportionate focus to men’s material strengths rather than their spiritual qualities, it subjects women to the harmful idea that their worth arises solely from their appearance. Society puts women on constant display, monitoring their physical appearance, and allows men to constantly define, redefine, and promote what the “ideal” women should look like.

Baha’u’llah warned against this tendency in the following quote. His use of the term “men” refers to humanity:

The choice of clothing and the cut of the beard and its dressing are left to the discretion of men. But beware, O people, lest ye make yourselves the playthings of the ignorant. – Baha’u’llah, Tablets of Baha’u’llah, p. 23.

As women, we’re told to shave, wear lipstick, line our eyes, shadow our eyelids, powder our faces, wax our eyebrows, paint our nails, straighten our hair, wear extensions, show cleavage, accentuate our curves, and wear heels – all while maintaining a pleasant, subservient demeanor. If we don’t comply, even our fellow women often shame us. 

Some women have looked down on me for calling myself a feminist. They have looked at me disapprovingly for not shaving or waxing. Older women have told me to wear makeup to attract a man, or to lower the zipper on my blouse if I see a guy approaching. It hurts immensely to be called a lesbian for not being flirtatious with every man that pays me attention, or to be called a prude for vowing to be chaste until marriage – and it becomes even more disheartening to see this objectification come from women. When did modesty and chastity become something to look down on? 

Does that define what Baha’u’llah meant by becoming the “playthings of the ignorant” – to be molded only by the opinions of others? As a Baha’i, I was raised to uphold modesty and decency in what I wear and how I act. The Baha’i writings say:

Modesty, purity, temperance, decency, and clean-mindedness, involves no less than the exercise of moderation in all that pertains to dress, language, amusements, and all artistic and literary avocations.Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 30.

The hypersexualized entertainment industry takes its toll on us in more ways than we realize. According to psychologists Barbara Fredrickson and Tomi-Ann Roberts, women, to varying degrees, internalize the public’s sexualized view of them and view themselves as objects. As a result, we women frequently monitor our appearance, and this increases our anxiety about how others will view and evaluate us. This self-objectification starts early in elementary school and leads to body dissatisfaction, body shaming, depression, and eating disorders. I remember listening to a classmate in fourth grade complain about how fat her thighs were, and trying to dissuade another friend in middle school from trying to vomit after eating. 

According to the Dove Self Esteem Project, only 11 percent of girls worldwide would call themselves beautiful, and 60 percent of girls avoid participating in activities because they’re concerned about the way they look. One-third of all 6-year-olds in Japan have low self-confidence about their bodies, and 81 percent of 10-year old girls in the U.S. are afraid of being fat, according to UNICEF.

Body shaming even affects our mental performance! One study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that women performed worse on math tests after they tried on a swimsuit compared to after they tried on a sweater. This lowered confidence in their bodies led to a lowered confidence in their intelligence. Psychologists Bonnie Moradi and Yu-Ping Huang have also found that this self-objectification is also linked to decreased engagement in activities (or flow) and difficulties in task performance among all female demographics.

Only education can change the trajectory of the next generation of children. Children will see themselves positively in their own eyes and in society when their mothers, daughters, sisters, and aunts demonstrate a healthy self-image. What the adults value, the children will value. What the adults focus on, the children will focus on. What the adults accept or don’t accept greatly influences what the children will allow or disallow. So, let’s not compliment each other when we wear makeup, if we fail to notice each other’s beauty without it. Let’s not praise each other for the clothes we buy, if we never affirm each other’s unique qualities that really do make us special. Let’s create a culture that values each other’s souls, and not what the media (or society) influences us to.

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  • Jules R
    Feb 4, 2020
    Beautiful article! ❤️
  • Mariela Leon
    Nov 8, 2019
    Such a great topic Radiance! This article was, indeed, an Ah Ha moment for me. This is my second time reading it. I’d never before stopped to consider the fact how I was self-objectifying . More than half of my high heels prevent me from walking or running comfortably.And then there’s been my biweekly visits to the nail salon, when all I really wanted & have been looking for is a little peace from my everyday stresses. I Realized I should be enjoying the sun ☀️ or Quality time with my family. I plan to make some changes my life.
  • Treena Rosstheboss Worthington
    Oct 15, 2019
    Great subject, Great job
  • Lawrence Lee Beard
    Oct 12, 2019
    Excellent perspective. Thank you for this informative article on this timely and important issue.
  • Karen Anne Fananapazir
    Oct 9, 2019
    It was very refreshing to read your comments on this topic, Radiance. You express such a mature understanding of how women can examine their thoughts, conduct and apparel and modify them in such a way that our "inner life and private character mirror forth in their manifold aspects the splendor of those eternal principles proclaimed by Bahá’u’lláh." Raising awareness of how current societal norms can negatively impact our lives is incredibly important and we are so proud of you for voicing your concerns and providing solutions.
  • Hala Jarrah
    Oct 6, 2019
    An astounding article, eye-opening and timely. Thank you Radiance for your straightforwardness, such courage and open heart not only in addressing this most pressing issue, but also in adhering to your spiritual principles and God given Laws and Ordinances. With ...all my respect and admiration to this remarkable young woman, to Radiance. Looking forward to read the next article ??
  • Sue Ballew St Clair
    Oct 5, 2019
    This article is a blessing that is shining light on the surface values we place on people and things and in this case, on women. I loved the way in which you dived into the crucial ways in which we as women do things to ourselves to support the sex object version of how we are programmed. Also, love your sharing of your personal choice to be on a different path that focuses on the inner beauty. Powerful stuff. Thanks much Radiance.
  • Oct 5, 2019
    I so resonate with this, Radiance! Fantastic article. Thank you.
  • Van Gilmer
    Oct 4, 2019
    Congratulations Radiance in stepping up and out to remind some of us and awaken others to the idea and concept of the inner beauty that we all possess that is so much more dependent on The quality of our souls and spirit. It is especially heart warming to hear this from a young RADIANT woman! Again congratulations!!
  • Eugene Graham
    Oct 4, 2019
    I love that.............Observe moderation in all things..............dress, language .amusement, etc.
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