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One Planet. One People. United by a Prayer Chain

Liz Dwyer | Apr 9, 2020

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Liz Dwyer | Apr 9, 2020

The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.

Connection, inspiration, and positivity — we need these on a day-to-day basis. And at a time when the coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused such suffering around the globe, it’s become clear that we need them more than ever. Due to quarantines and stay-at-home orders, we can’t come together physically, but there’s still a way we can support each other: by creating a chain of continuous prayer. 

RELATED: Why I Believe in the Healing Power of Prayer

To make this possible, on Friday, April 3, One Planet, launched, an online space for people — whether they’re religious, religiously unaffiliated,  or nonreligious — to offer prayers and positive reflections focused on the health of our human family. 

“We are one humanity and we collectively are experiencing suffering, loss, and uncertainty,” says Payam Zamani, the CEO of One Planet and the editor-in-chief of

“It’s wonderful to know that you’re not alone. Someone else out there is saying a prayer right now, for your well-being, for our collective well-being”

Indeed, we’re living in unprecedented times. Schools are shut, millions of people have lost their jobs, and hospitals are facing a shortage of personnel and the supplies needed to heal those afflicted with COVID-19. When faced with such circumstances, Baha’is, like many people do, turn to prayer in order to find solace, stay optimistic about the future, and find deeper purpose and meaning in our lives

“As a follower of the Baha’i Faith, I believe that prayer is a powerful spiritual force,” Zamani says. To that end, “is a vehicle for us all to come together, to actually experience someone from around the world saying a prayer or offering a positive reflection. It’s wonderful to know that you’re not alone. Someone else out there is saying a prayer right now, for your well-being, for our collective well-being.”

In a talk given more than a century ago, Abdu’l-Baha, the son of Baha’u’llah, the Prophet-Founder of the Baha’i Faith said that “All the sorrow and the grief that exist come from the world of matter — the spiritual world bestows only the joy!” Prayer is what connects us to that spiritual world. 

Offering prayers on is quick and easy to do. 

Step One: When you go to the site, type in your name, then verify or add your location. 

Step Two: Type (or cut and paste) the prayer or positive message you’d like to share — you can also share a YouTube link to an inspirational video or musical selection. 

Step Three: Select a time — either the next available one or scheduled in the future — to offer your prayer, positive message, inspirational video or music.

If you’d like a reminder of the time you chose to say your prayer, you can also enter your email to get one sent to you. 

When your selected time comes around, say your prayer or meditation out loud. At the same time, a light corresponding to your location will appear on the globe on the home page. Your name — and the prayer or meditation you offered — will also be visible, enabling people around the world to say it with you. 

Few, if any, events in modern history have made humanity feel so connected and appreciative of its oneness. And through prayer, we can stay united and support each other as one human family. “The purpose of it is very simple, it’s just to show love,” Zamani says.

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  • Cometrock Stone
    May 26, 2020
    Strive that your actions day by day may become beautiful prayers. Turn towards God and seek only to do that which is right and Holy....
  • Andrea Lupita Rios Merino
    May 9, 2020
    I pray that everyone who is suffering are able to find/receive the things they need and I pray that we all our eyes be open and we recieve the wisdom we need to make our planet a better place, where everyone is treated fairly and our officials are not corrupted by money & power. In Jesus name, Amen.
  • Joycelene Braga Caluza
    Apr 30, 2020
    I pray for the healing of the world from the merciful power of God the father of all men. May our united prayers protect and save us from the attack of covid 19 and may He guide us all to find all our needs in order to survive this pandemic. I also pray for our leaders to be compassionate, just and tolerant in their governance. In Jesus name I pray.
  • Linda Williams
    Apr 10, 2020
    Prayers for the world may God forgive us for our sins and pray we learn to be even a better person peace to the world
  • Sunita Chattergoon
    Apr 5, 2020
    Prayers for the world to heal and overcome this virus ?
  • Mary O'Quinn
    Apr 5, 2020
  • Robert Green
    Apr 4, 2020
    "Step One: When you go to the site" I literally had to type in the url… many other things came up when I searched. even adding dot org did not help... takes determination :)
  • Vivian Lawson Auszmann
    Apr 3, 2020
    Lovely idea! Thank you so much.
  • Graham Burgess
    Apr 3, 2020
    Wonderful! Thank you. Blessings and gratitude from Scotland.
  • Graham Burgess
    Apr 3, 2020
    Wonderful! Thank you. Blessings and gratitude from Scotland.
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