I wanted to know why 72% of millennials consider themselves “spiritual, but not religious”—so I asked an African educational activist, a celebrity actor/producer and an author. In our panel, these three, all from different walks of life, startled me with their frank, honest answers. “Isn’t religion,” one of the panelists said, “only for people who can’t think for themselves?” Join me as we explore this big social trend and try to answer the penetrating questions it raises for our future.
Listen to the podcast on SoundCloud.
Payam Zamani is an entrepreneur, philanthropist and investor. He is the founder, chairman and CEO of One Planet Group, a hybrid tech firm that runs a suite of online technology and media businesses. The company’s mission is to support strong business ideas while at the...

I'd love to see a group of junior youth (11-15 year olds) having a discussion about how they perceive their role in the world at their age.
Thank you so much for making this video.
feel such clarity of vision and purpose. I love the woman with 100 children. Prayers that
we can open our minds to believing that the world is not flat. wow