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Spiritual but not Religious—Are Millennials Missing the Plot?

PRESENTED BY Payam Zamani | Jul 21, 2017

I wanted to know why 72% of millennials consider themselves “spiritual, but not religious”—so I asked an African educational activist, a celebrity actor/producer and an author. In our panel, these three, all from different walks of life, startled me with their frank, honest answers. “Isn’t religion,” one of the panelists said, “only for people who can’t think for themselves?” Join me as we explore this big social trend and try to answer the penetrating questions it raises for our future.

Listen to the podcast on SoundCloud.

Payam Zamani is an entrepreneur, philanthropist and investor. He is the founder, chairman and CEO of One Planet Group, a hybrid tech firm that runs a suite of online technology and media businesses. The company’s mission is to support strong business ideas while at the...



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  • Glen Little
    Aug 2, 2017
    Great video! The sound volume is quite low for most of the video... made it hard to hear even with my volume turned up to maximum!
  • richardes pinosa124
    Jul 31, 2017
    Great conversation on a very timely topic. Enjoyed all the comments.
  • Galen Morris
    Jul 26, 2017
    Religion should unite all hearts and cause wars and disputes to vanish from the face of the earth, give birth to spirituality, and bring life and light to each heart. If religion becomes a cause of dislike, hatred and division, it were better to be without it, and to withdraw from such a religion would be a truly religious act. For it is clear that the purpose of a remedy is to cure; but if the remedy should only aggravate the complaint it had better be left alone... – Abdu’l-Baha,
  • Nissassa Risinger
    Jul 26, 2017
    Spiritual is all we know, really.
  • Massoud Fanaieyan
    Jul 23, 2017
    Great conversation on a very timely topic. Enjoyed all the comments.
  • Faith Holmes
    Jul 22, 2017
    I love this segment, the work you are doing here is so phenomenal! I love the conversations its sparking and the inspiration it is creating, thank you... I loved this conversation!!!
  • Wandra Harmsen
    Jul 22, 2017
    A wonderful conversation that touched on so many aspects of life, spirituality, and religion. Each person's perspective is a window through which we can see ourselves and where we are on a spiritual path.
    I'd love to see a group of junior youth (11-15 year olds) having a discussion about how they perceive their role in the world at their age.
    Thank you so much for making this video.
  • Shay Whitman Cooper
    Jul 21, 2017
    how vibrant and exciting to be part of a discussion that is opening and embracing. Inspiring to
    feel such clarity of vision and purpose. I love the woman with 100 children. Prayers that
    we can open our minds to believing that the world is not flat. wow
  • Rachel N
    Jul 21, 2017
    What a wonderful discussion. I've shared it on my FB because of this. Thank you!
  • Gary Reusche
    Jul 21, 2017
    I don't suppose you have a transcript available for this one. I liked it and if translated it would be useful in Ukraine
    • Payam Zamani
      Jul 24, 2017
      Not at this point.
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