by the
Baha’i Faith
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The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.
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Author of Arising (2018), Kevin Locke (Tȟokaheya Inažiŋ in Lakota translation “First to Arise”) is a world famous visionary hoop dancer, preeminent player of the Indigenous North American flute, traditional storyteller, cultural ambassador, recording artist and educator. Kevin is Lakota and Anishinaabe. While his instructions were received from his immediate family and community, from extended family in every part of the world, Kevin has learned many lessons in global citizenship and how we each can draw from our individual heritages to create a vibrant, evolving global civilization embracing and celebrating our collective heritage.

BY Kevin Locke
12 Indigenous Commandments from The Gospel of the Redman

12 Indigenous Commandments from The Gospel of the Redman

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Sep 17, 2022
William Sears and The Gospel of the Redman

William Sears and The Gospel of the Redman

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Sep 11, 2022
Does Nature Itself Have a Spiritual Purpose?

Does Nature Itself Have a Spiritual Purpose?

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Aug 14, 2022

When Patricia Locke Embraced the Baha’i Faith

When Patricia Locke Embraced the Baha’i Faith

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Aug 7, 2022
Community Building and the Indigenous Concept of Two-Eyed Seeing

Community Building and the Indigenous Concept of Two-Eyed Seeing

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Jul 24, 2022
Indigenous Transformers: Heroes, Tricksters, Monsters, and Caretakers

Indigenous Transformers: Heroes, Tricksters, Monsters, and Caretakers

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Jul 16, 2022

How the Australian Aboriginal Divine Messengers Appeared

How the Australian Aboriginal Divine Messengers Appeared

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Jun 22, 2022
Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ (“All Are Related”): White Buffalo Calf Woman

Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ (“All Are Related”): White Buffalo Calf Woman

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Jun 4, 2022
Encouraging Indigenous Land and Spiritual Acknowledgements

Encouraging Indigenous Land and Spiritual Acknowledgements

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | May 19, 2022

The Symbolism of Corn as the Seed of Faith

The Symbolism of Corn as the Seed of Faith

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | May 13, 2022
Iyatiku – Corn Woman – Acoma Pueblo Messenger of God

Iyatiku – Corn Woman – Acoma Pueblo Messenger of God

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Apr 30, 2022
How Did Indigenous Americans Get There?

How Did Indigenous Americans Get There?

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Mar 28, 2022

The Ancient Connections Between East and West

The Ancient Connections Between East and West

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Mar 21, 2022
“Distant Time:” Understanding Indigenous Talking Animal Tales

“Distant Time:” Understanding Indigenous Talking Animal Tales

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Mar 13, 2022
The Search for Truth: Finding Marumda

The Search for Truth: Finding Marumda

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Mar 5, 2022

Kuksu and Marumda: What Defines an Indigenous Holy Messenger?

Kuksu and Marumda: What Defines an Indigenous Holy Messenger?

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Feb 15, 2022
Patricia Locke’s Dual Belief in White Buffalo Calf Woman and Baha’u’llah

Patricia Locke’s Dual Belief in White Buffalo Calf Woman and Baha’u’llah

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Jan 18, 2022
A Luminary of Knowledge for Every Land

A Luminary of Knowledge for Every Land

Christopher Buck , Kevin Locke | Dec 22, 2021

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