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It’s easy to get attached to familiar ways of thinking and being — old thoughts and old experiences — that emphasize the material self. We have become hypnotized and conditioned to become materialists. But why are we defining reality with our senses instead of defining reality as spiritual beings?
Baha’u’llah, the prophet and founder of the Baha’i Faith, wrote that this world’s material nature is the biggest illusion. He noted that “The world is but a show, vain and empty, a mere nothing, bearing the semblance of reality. Set not your affections upon it. Break not the bond that uniteth you with your Creator, and be not of those that have erred and strayed from His ways.”
We have to change our brains and rewire our thinking to have a different understanding of our current reality
I think we need to believe in something much greater than the physical, material experience. We have to change our brains and rewire our thinking to have a different understanding of our current reality. Baha’u’llah told us to “Immerse yourselves in the ocean of My words, that ye may unravel its secrets, and discover all the pearls of wisdom that lie hid in its depths.” With that in mind, I’ve been asking myself, can we believe in a future that has nothing to do with the physical senses?
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I think of it as installing a new circuitry. I can emotionally choose to embrace a spiritual future so that our body syncs with the unconscious mind. The objective mind does not know the difference between experiences that create emotions and the emotions you make by thought alone — to the degree that you begin to signal new genes and new waves to change your body to accept a new reality.

When this happens, you become a magnet and vortex to your destiny. If you are still asking why “it’s” not there — or why others are not giving “it” to you — then you are right back into operating from the lower material sensory self.
Stay in that state for an extended period as an experiment, as a scientist in your life to keep your energy connected to your higher self, your soul. And then find out what effects begin to take place. Do this without moving into impatience, frustration, or without starting to over-analyze. That is the trap of defining your spiritual reality! When you try to limit your spiritual reality, you experience separation from the unity and perfection of the spiritual “real.”
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The act of this creation is a free and loose process. This unknown is not a scary place. Instead, it is a beautiful reality of our future. If we catch ourselves before we repeat the old habits of our material — primarily sensory — experience, it’s a victory! If we keep catching ourselves, those victories add up. Overcoming the old self allows us to become somebody else: A spiritual and highly evolved self in unity with itself and everything around us. This happens because we are operating on the higher frequency — which is all about God’s loving purpose, our true purpose. As Baha’u’llah wrote, “Deliver your souls, O people, from the bondage of self, and purify them from all attachment to anything besides Me.”
It’s not about your wealth, your possessions, or your relationships. Instead, it’s more about who you become as a spiritual being, perfectly in-tune, and aligned with your calling and purpose!
We have to change this thousand-year-old pattern of living only in the material.
Overcoming that old self allows us to become somebody else, a better version of ourselves. The transition period can be challenging, and it may seem like nothing is happening. But you have to keep going. Get to the end of your own mental belief — this is where most people stop — and break through the other magical side where we are worthy to receive spiritual blessings. We have to change this thousand-year-old pattern of living only in the material.
You have to rehearse mentally and each day keep holding yourself accountable. And evaluate: Where did I fall from grace? What was it that caused us to go unconscious for the rest of the day?
As you become a student of life, you will contemplate what happened and what is underneath it all. The next time you know you’ll be in a similar situation, you can plan your behavior and prepare for how you’ll involve and model your spiritual experience. This act or process helps us reinstall the neurological hardware in our brains to think we already did it, and it awakens our soul to be in the experience.
When detached from the ego or material senses, the brain can finally be free to begin to work with the soul in unity. This is where the magic can happen. We have to be spiritually conscious to have this experience, which is born from prayer, meditation, and reading the writings of the Manifestations of God. If we are sincere to ask for this power from God to operate, we get lit up. This transcendental experience can have a mystical change on the spirit, which will help us be at peace with our past without attachment or regrets.
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