by the
Baha’i Faith
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The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.
How do I become Baha’i?


Mahin Pouryaghma, almost 87 years old, is from Iran. Since 1964 she has lived in North America, and lives presently in Marshallville, Georgia. Mahin has committed herself to the Baha'i Faith since her early 30's, with the goal of serving God by serving humanity.

BY Mahin Pouryaghma
How Unfulfilled Promises Affect Inner Peace and Trust

How Unfulfilled Promises Affect Inner Peace and Trust

Mahin Pouryaghma | Sep 24, 2024
Loneliness at the End of This Life

Loneliness at the End of This Life

Mahin Pouryaghma | Sep 17, 2024
How Can I Stop Being Critical of Others?

How Can I Stop Being Critical of Others?

Mahin Pouryaghma | Sep 10, 2024

Detaching from This World and All of Its Wonders

Detaching from This World and All of Its Wonders

Mahin Pouryaghma | Aug 27, 2024
Dealing With My Attachments as Death Approaches

Dealing With My Attachments as Death Approaches

Mahin Pouryaghma | Aug 21, 2024
A Grateful Ode to Caregivers

A Grateful Ode to Caregivers

Mahin Pouryaghma | Aug 14, 2024

Am I Qualified for the Afterlife?

Am I Qualified for the Afterlife?

Mahin Pouryaghma | Jun 29, 2024
Life and Death: The Greatest Mysteries

Life and Death: The Greatest Mysteries

Mahin Pouryaghma | Jun 15, 2024
Cancer and the Will of the Creator

Cancer and the Will of the Creator

Mahin Pouryaghma | Jun 8, 2024

Death, Dreams, and the Dawn of My Next Existence

Death, Dreams, and the Dawn of My Next Existence

Mahin Pouryaghma | Mar 26, 2024
Death: Summoned to a Reckoning

Death: Summoned to a Reckoning

Mahin Pouryaghma | Mar 21, 2024
Nurturing the Fragile Child of Inner Peace

Nurturing the Fragile Child of Inner Peace

Mahin Pouryaghma | Mar 14, 2024

Confronting My Prejudice and Unfair Judgments

Confronting My Prejudice and Unfair Judgments

Mahin Pouryaghma | Mar 9, 2024
Dealing With the Process of Dying in Hospice

Dealing With the Process of Dying in Hospice

Mahin Pouryaghma | Mar 3, 2024
Accepting Death With Joy

Accepting Death With Joy

Mahin Pouryaghma | Feb 17, 2024

Love and Death: The Mysteries Latent in the Universe

Love and Death: The Mysteries Latent in the Universe

Mahin Pouryaghma | Feb 4, 2024
Waiting for My Home-Bound Train, I Thank the Creator

Waiting for My Home-Bound Train, I Thank the Creator

Mahin Pouryaghma | Jan 28, 2024
Jesus Christ, the Hospice Chaplain, and Me

Jesus Christ, the Hospice Chaplain, and Me

Mahin Pouryaghma | Jan 13, 2024

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