by the
Baha’i Faith
The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith. The official website of the Baha'i Faith is: The official website of the Baha'is of the United States can be found here:
The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the authoritative views of the Baha'i Faith.
How do I become Baha’i?
The Meanings of the Middle Way
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Why I Decided to Become a Baha’i

Why I Decided to Become a Baha’i

Jessica Kemejuk
My Story of Diversity: 5 Countries, 7 Languages

My Story of Diversity: 5 Countries, 7 Languages

5 Modern Myths about Love & Marriage

5 Modern Myths about Love & Marriage

Framing the World

Framing the World

Why Your True Calling Might Require a Break from Tradition

Why Your True Calling Might Require a Break from Tradition

History The Baha’i Warnings about World War

The Baha’i Warnings about World War

Adib Masumian , David Langness | Oct 16, 2024
Culture How Culture Works: A Universe of Shared Meaning

How Culture Works: A Universe of Shared Meaning

Deborah Clark Vance | Oct 15, 2024
Service My Year of Service: A Journey of Faith, Friendship, and Commitment

My Year of Service: A Journey of Faith, Friendship, and Commitment

Jasmine Sabet-LeBlanc | Oct 14, 2024

Spirituality Forgiving Others — and Myself — While I’m Dying

Forgiving Others — and Myself — While I’m Dying

Mahin Pouryaghma | Oct 13, 2024
Justice Who We Are and How to Live

Who We Are and How to Live

Rodney H. Clarken | Oct 12, 2024
History Forging a Path From Mexico: The First Latino Baha’i Community

Forging a Path From Mexico: The First Latino Baha’i Community

Radiance Talley | Oct 11, 2024

Justice How to Live an Exemplary Baha’i Life

How to Live an Exemplary Baha’i Life

Adib Masumian , David Langness | Oct 10, 2024
Spirituality How to Transcend this Materialistic Realm

How to Transcend this Materialistic Realm

Susan Gammage | Oct 9, 2024
The Dawn-Breakers: History Inspiring Creativity and Spirituality

The Dawn-Breakers: History Inspiring Creativity and Spirituality

What’s the True Purpose of Religion?

What’s the True Purpose of Religion?

How We Can Make Poverty History

How We Can Make Poverty History

This series produced for the centenary of the passing of Abdu’l-Baha, recounts the life and work of this unique figure in history, celebrating his legacy and enduring influence on humanity.

Ambassador to Humanity — Episode 9: The Exemplar for Today

Ambassador to Humanity — Episode 9: The Exemplar for Today

January 28, 2022
Ambassador to Humanity – Episode Eight: The Life of the Spirit

Ambassador to Humanity – Episode Eight: The Life of the Spirit

January 14, 2022
Ambassador to Humanity – Episode Seven: Servant to All Humanity

Ambassador to Humanity – Episode Seven: Servant to All Humanity

January 7, 2022

Sean Hinton speaks to people whose lives have been transformed by the writings of the Baha'i Faith, to unpack those moments of meaning that changed their lives forever.

Reframing Generosity — With Lori Noguchi

Reframing Generosity — With Lori Noguchi

November 12, 2021
Gender Equality From an Investment Perspective — With Daryn Dodson

Gender Equality From an Investment Perspective — With Daryn Dodson

February 26, 2021
Taking Education to the Next Level — Bruktawit Tigabu

Taking Education to the Next Level — Bruktawit Tigabu

February 19, 2021

Racism is America’s most challenging issue. This podcast interviews Baha’is throughout the United States who are actively building racial unity through building community

Jamila Canady: A Woman of Remarkable Insight

Jamila Canady: A Woman of Remarkable Insight

January 17, 2020
Homa Tavangar: Raising Children to Be At Home in The World

Homa Tavangar: Raising Children to Be At Home in The World

December 13, 2019
Come Along on the Great American Race Unity Road Trip

Come Along on the Great American Race Unity Road Trip

November 15, 2019

Cloud9 features interviews with artists from around the globe to learn about what inspires them to make a positive contribution to the world.

How Bass Adjustment Enshrines Unity in Electronic Music

How Bass Adjustment Enshrines Unity in Electronic Music

March 8, 2019
First to Arise: Kevin Locke’s Spiritual Quest to the Baha’i Faith

First to Arise: Kevin Locke’s Spiritual Quest to the Baha’i Faith

November 9, 2018
How a Fearful Car Wreck Made Celine Chhuon Turn to Photography

How a Fearful Car Wreck Made Celine Chhuon Turn to Photography

June 14, 2018
Spirituality The Guidance System We Need to Realize Our Spiritual Potential

The Guidance System We Need to Realize Our Spiritual Potential

Rodney H. Clarken | Oct 5, 2024

The Guidance System We Need to Realize Our Spiritual Potential

Justice Creative Maladjustment: Why We Shouldn’t Adjust to Injustice

Creative Maladjustment: Why We Shouldn’t Adjust to Injustice

Radiance Talley | Oct 4, 2024

Creative Maladjustment: Why We Shouldn’t Adjust to Injustice

Religion How Did the Baha’i Faith Spread Around the World?

How Did the Baha’i Faith Spread Around the World?

Adib Masumian , David Langness | Oct 3, 2024

How Did the Baha’i Faith Spread Around the World?

What Baha'is Believe

"To be a Bahá’í simply means to love all the world; to love humanity and try to serve it; to work for universal peace and universal brotherhood." -’Abdu’l-Baha

Life Breaking the Chains of Despair and Materialism

Breaking the Chains of Despair and Materialism

Susan Gammage | Oct 2, 2024
Justice From Enriching the Shareholders to Serving the Stakeholders

From Enriching the Shareholders to Serving the Stakeholders

Badi Shams | Oct 1, 2024

Life How to Protect Your Kids from Addiction

How to Protect Your Kids from Addiction

David Langness | Sep 30, 2024

History Answered Prayers: A Baha’i Family’s Unforgettable Pilgrimage

Answered Prayers: A Baha’i Family’s Unforgettable Pilgrimage

Jyoti Munsiff | Sep 29, 2024

Culture The Smithsonian’s Interactive Exhibit, “The Bias Inside Us”

The Smithsonian’s Interactive Exhibit, “The Bias Inside Us”

Kathy Roman | Sep 28, 2024
History The Life and Legacy of the First Colombian Baha’i

The Life and Legacy of the First Colombian Baha’i

Radiance Talley | Sep 27, 2024

Baha’i Lessons for Twenty-First-Century Farming Communities

Baha’i Lessons for Twenty-First-Century Farming Communities

Surrounded by the Beauty of Humanity

Surrounded by the Beauty of Humanity

How Unfulfilled Promises Affect Inner Peace and Trust

How Unfulfilled Promises Affect Inner Peace and Trust

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